Tuesday 19 June 2018

Wooden speaker stands

Wooden speaker stands

It is always not easy to find stands to mount big bookshelf or small floor standing speakers. To name few things that you have to consider when shopping for a suitable stand for your speakers are the height, size, materials, colours, etc. Worst nightmare is when you need a pair of stand to match the design of your speakers or interior decor! 
I had this problem when i acquired my studio monitor JBL speakers, after shopping around for a while, i decided to build my own stands based on my requirements. Solid oak timber measuring about 30mm x 120mm was used in the entire construction to lift the speaker's tweeter height to my listening ear level. Design was simple and neat to match the big JBLs, the attached pictures below shows the construction and the finished product.

Sunday 10 June 2018

Rogers Db101 in custom build box

Rogers Db101 in custom made box

Many years ago, I have always wondered if speakers could sound better in bigger box, my hands gets terribly itchy when i was listening to my Rogers Db101 one day. Almost immediately, i dismantled the drivers and crossovers and prepare the woodworking materials. Spending the next few days building the new box with thick MDF and solid wood plank. I increased the internal box volume to around 13L with a 2" port located at the back tuned at 65hz. The bass and tweeter units were mounted from the back of the baffle secured by a piece of wood holding the drivers in place without using any screws.

The end result? the sonic signature was still recognisable as a Rogers Db101! understandably due to the electrical components were just a carried over without any modifications. But the main difference was that they now sing like a grown-up adult rather than children singing karaoke. The most noticeable improvement was in the mid band that has more body and dynamic compare to the original housing. The low end extension has also improved quite a fair bit, i am happy to listen to them without the help of a subwoofer now.
In conclusion, i am very happy with the sound and i think they look gorgeous.

Tuesday 5 June 2018

Ciare CH250

Ciare CH250 adding custom wooden phase plugs

Drivers with phase plug designs always attracts my attention for some reason. I find them look aesthetically sharp and precise even if they are not playing, and they are child proof too! Dust caps however, as the name suggest, the duty is to protect dust or any alien objects from entering the voice coil gaps. My experience in adding phase plugs to some of my mid or full range drivers has always been positive in terms of aesthetic and sonic reproduction. 
Below are the pictures showing the process from removing the dust caps, milling the wooden phase plugs using my makeshift wood turning lathe and the final work.

Acoustic Research AR310 refurbishment

Acoustic Research AR310 refurbishment

Coral 8A in custom bass reflex enclosure

Coral 8A speakers in big bookshelf design

I made them a couple of years back during a short holiday to venture in to the world of full range sound. My priority was to build a simple and not too bulky box in the shortest possible time hence i opted for this big bookshelf bass reflex design. The Corals have wooden phase plugs installed months ago without a proper enclosure until now. Building the box was relatively fast and easy but the finishing works was a bit of a nightmare due to my decision to use natural oak veneers for the finishing. It was painstaking to match the grains and join the seems carefully piece by piece, sanding and apply clear coatings. The end results was quite satisfying when they finally made to my living rooms where they start to sing loud and clear, The only shortcoming however, if i must say, it was the bass department that didn't really justify given the size of the driver (8"), i think it could have been much better if they were housed in proper horn loaded cabinets.